Usmle Step 1 Scores 2019

Content areas page step 1 score report content areas page step 2 ck score report scores with the exception of step 2 cs which is reported as pass fail usmle results are reported on a 3 digit scale.
Usmle step 1 scores 2019. Med students are excellent test. However it would be below the median for step 2 ck 42nd percentile. 194 minimum score to pass step 1 209 minimum score to pass step 2 ck 196 minimum score to pass step 3.
The table below displays statistics on usmle step 1 and step 2 content knowledge ck scores for first year residents in 2018 19 by specialty. Usmle step 1 comlex level 1 score 94 4 1 letters of recommendation in the specialty 86 4 2 medical student performance evaluation mspe dean s letter 81 4 usmle step 2 ck comlex level 2 ce score 80 4. Information on all average usmle step 1 scores for every specialty can be found in the national residency matching program s nrmp yearly charting outcomes in the match reports but to help you parse through the nitty gritty. First step 2 ck scores are significantly higher than step 1 scores.
So a 240 on step 1 is the 66th percentile. For example to compare a given score with the scores of us canadian first takers on step. As of this writing the minimum scores for the usmle in 2019 are as follows. While your usmle step 1 exam score is not the only factor in competitiveness for residency programs it remains a key factor differentiating applicants who match from others who do not.